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Digital Illustration |
A brown-skinned woman with medium-length wavy brown hair looking right with a wary expression on a bright blue book. All around her are elements described within the book such as birds, clouds, trees, and iconic buildings in CA. The top of the book contains white text that says "All of Us With Wings," and the bottom of the book states in white text "Michelle Ruiz Keil." The work's description states "Book cover art for Michelle Ruiz Keil's YA novel, All of Us with Wings. (More info & purchase a copy here)" All images copyright Whitney Salgado.
Digital Illustration |
A brown-skinned woman with medium-length wavy brown hair looking right with a wary expression on a bright blue book. All around her are elements described within the book such as birds, clouds, trees, and iconic buildings in CA. The top of the book contains white text that says "Michelle Ruiz Keil, Somos Seres Alados." The work's description states "Book cover art for Michelle Ruiz Keil's YA novel, All of Us with Wings. (More info & purchase a copy here)" All images copyright Whitney Salgado.


Book cover art for Michelle Ruiz Keil's YA novel, All of Us with Wings.

(More info & purchase a copy here)
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